đź”® GitHub co-founder & ex-CEO, Tom Preston-Werner, joins Pullflow as an investor!

What's New - Pullflow

What's New

New updates and improvements to Pulllflow.

Release 2.1

Release 2.1


  • GitHub repository syncing: Changes in GitHub repository names, and archive status are now automatically reflected in Pullflow.
  • Account management: Users can now easily revoke and re-enable Pullflow access directly from GitHub.
  • Unified login flow: For users who initiate login with Slack but do not complete it, Pullflow will support linking their identities automatically when they login from GitHub afterwards.


  • Buy additional seats: Easily add more seats to your plan through a new button on the user management page.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Pullflow bot's inability to recognize its own user tag in Slack commands
  • Fixed incorrect data redaction for comments synced from Slack to GitHub.
  • Fixed tagging mismatches for users with revoked access across Slack and GitHub.

Release 2.0

Release 2.0


  • Flow detection: Automatically detect user’s flow state in VS Code extension using typing speed and keystrokes, then report the state in the IDE’s status bar as well as user’s Slack status
  • Login with GitHub: Added support for logging in through GitHub and installing Pullflow through the GitHub marketplace

Opt-in Features:

  • Multi-channel connections: Now, one GitHub repository can connect to multiple Slack channels, routing PRs by file path changes—ideal for mono-repo projects.
  • Label-based PR sync: Added support for configuring Slack channels to allow or block PR sync based on labels available on the pull request


  • External check runs: Added support for external check runs to sync with Slack, especially Jenkins

Release 1.5

Release 1.5


  • Channel configuration for check runs: Added ability to limit check run messages in channel to all, outcomes only, fail only or reactions only
  • Sync and configuration for draft PRs: Added support for syncing draft pull requests from GitHub to Slack as well as configuration options to hide draft PRs from channel
  • Pullflow AI: Launched support for group conversation with AI in PR threads as well as one-on-one conversations with Pullflow AI in Slack App DM
  • VS Code Extension: Introduced a VS Code extension featuring:
    • An active pull requests dashboard for streamlined access within the IDE.
    • Enhanced IDE support for quick actions, including messaging participants and setting reminders for PRs.


  • Support comment deletion syncs: Automatically delete comments on GitHub if deleted from Slack PR thread and vice versa
  • Sync GitHub comment resolution: Mark comments as resolved in Slack if they are resolved in GitHub
  • Natural language commands: Enhanced existing quick action commands in Slack threads to support natural language

Release 1.0

Release 1.0


  • Sync pull requests across GitHub & Slack: Automatically create threads for every pull request that is created for GitHub on a repository that is connected to a channel
  • Sync pull request activity: Automatically sync comments, commits, check runs, review requests, assignments and labeling activity on a pull request to its associated thread
  • Support user-identity translation across platforms: Translate user identities across Slack and GitHub so a user tagged in Slack will be tagged by their appropriate identity in GitHub
  • Support markdown translation across platforms: Automatically convert Slack markdown into GitHub and vice versa during activity syncing, especially for comment syncs
  • Pull request summaries: Generate and post short summary of pull request including the number of files changed
  • Merge metrics for pull requests: Post merge metrics for pull requests quantifying the time to first review, to merge and the number of review cycles
  • Pull request dashboard: Added active pull request dashboard in Slack App Home and on Pullflow web for users to view snapshot of currently active pull requests associated with them
  • ChatOps support: Added commands in Slack to allow taking quick PR labeling, closing, requesting changes, requesting review, and other actions directly from the pull request thread

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code reviews.