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Pullflow uses icons and reactions on Slack messages to provide at-a-glance updates on PR statuses and check runs. These visual indicators help teams quickly understand the state of their code reviews and CI/CD processes.

PR status

⚪️ OpenedPR has been opened.
🔍 Review requestedA review has been requested.
👍 ApprovedPR has been approved.
✏️ Changes requestedChanges have been requested.
MergedPR has been successfully merged.
📄 DraftPR is in draft status.
🏷 LabeledPR has been labeled.
📤 AssignedPR has been assigned to a team member.
🗑 ClosedPR has been closed.
Pushed commitA new commit was pushed to the PR.

Checkruns status

⚪️ RunningCI/CD checks are currently running.
🟡 SkippedCI/CD checks have been skipped.
🟢 PassedAll CI/CD checks passed successfully.
🔴 FailedOne or more CI/CD checks have failed.

Purpose and usage

  • Pull requests: Icons visually represent the current state of pull requests in Slack threads, making it easy for teams to track progress without switching between tools.
  • Checkruns: Status icons for CI/CD pipelines help developers monitor builds and tests directly in Slack.

These icons are automatically applied by Pullflow in Slack messages for relevant events.

Additional resources